S&P Brain

S&P BRAIN provides complete in vivo proof-of-concept research to meet the needs of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical devices companies or research centers. Our aim is to offer high quality experimental studies leading to reliable results required for the preclinical phase. We have the experience and the expertise, to guide start up, research labs and companies to reach their goal.
S&P BRAIN is a young company founded by a group of senior academic professors and researchers working in the neuroscientific and pharmacological field. The idea came from the necessity of private companies to outsource the execution of in vivo tests concerning the development of new compounds or the characterization of new mouse models.
Our company has an extensive knowledge in the neuroscience field, that is supported by the long term expertise of its staff active in an internationally recognized academic research. Team’s know-how covers a wide variety of multidisciplinary research activities applied to neurosciences, including neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, neuro-regenerative medicine, cellular and molecular biology. S&P BRAIN is led by a group of senior academic professors and researchers with decades of expertise in the neuroscience field, honed in prestigious international and Italian Universities and Research Centers.
S&P BRAIN is a CRO located in Orbassano, few kilometers away from Turin, in the heart of an excellent environment that hosts two universities of applied sciences, several research institutes and the Biotechnological park of Ivrea. S&P BRAIN’s headquarter and preclinical research unit are located in NICO, a new research center devoted to Neurosciences that gathers the complementary experiences of eight research groups sharing of knowledge, expertise, capabilities and facilities, thereby creating a very collaborative and highly stimulating scientific atmosphere. We offer preclinical studies in small animals spanning from a wide range of behavioral tests to models of neurological injuries to cardiovascular, endocrine and metabolic measures.

S&P BRAIN provides to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device Companies and to Research Centers high quality research and on-time results that are tailored to our clientʼs need to prove in vivo the efficacy of new drugs for the treatment of neurological or psychiatric disorders or biocompatibility of biomedical devices. S&P BRAIN’ staff has extensive experiences in designing specialized in vivo studies or identifying new and robust models for the preclinical proof of concepts and to adapt them to customer's project needs.
Cognitive tests
-Learning and memory
-Problem solving
Environment effects
-Perinatal environment
-Enriched environment
-Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT)
Analysis of developmental milestones
-Body weight, pinnae detachment, eye opening, incisor eruption
-Righting reflex, visual placing
-Negative geotaxis, tactile startle
-Nest seeking response
-Auditory startle
-Bar holding and vertical screen.
-Clasping behavior
Brain tumor models
-In vivo models of glioblastoma (grafts of mouse or human glioblastoma cell lines)
-In vivo pharmacological treatments
-MRI-based longitudinal analyses
-Histological investigations
-End-point analyses
Functional tests
-Locomotor activity
-Spontaneous locomotor activity
-Feeding behavior
-Sexual behavior
-Heart rate and blood pressure
-Oxygen saturation, breath rate, pulse and breath distention
-Alcohol addiction
-Chocolate or palatable food addiction
-Compulsive eating




S&P BRAIN supplies a wide range of functional and psycho-emotional behavioral tests, neurological injury models, brain tumor models, surgical techniques with rodents as well as cardiovascular, endocrine and metabolic measures.
S&P BRAIN can provide several genetically engineered mouse models of pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems. We also have the experience and knowledge needed to design new wild type or mutant mouse models for preclinical proof of concept studies that are requested by our clients.
S&P BRAIN can provide sophisticated morphological analyses (stereology and confocal, electron, two photon and light sheet microscopy) and biomolecular (mRNA and protein gene expression) analyses.